Cuba, el valor de una utopia / Cuba: The Value of Utopia

Title: Cuba, el valor de una utopia / Cuba: The Value of Utopia
Location: La Pena Cultural Center
Tickets: Click here
Description: dir. Yanara Guayasamin, 2006, Cuba / Ecuador, 120 min.
Start Time: 18:00
Date: 2008-11-20
End Time: 20:00
Cubans have survived the U.S. blockade for almost 50 years. What does the Cuban Revolution mean to those revolutionaries who have lived through it? This socially-committed documentary, a retrospective of that generation, includes the poet Felix Contreras, the artist Antonio Canet, the opera singer Marta Cardona, and Fidel Castro himself. From the failed attempt to overthrow the Batista dictatorship in 1953 to the years of guerrilla warfare which culminated in the triumphant victory in 1959, these idealistic revolutionaries risked their lives in the fight for social justice and freedom. While they recall those days with pride, their difficulties as well as happiness today are apparent. Cuba was thrown into economic crisis with the departure of the Soviets in 1991. With the loss of subsidies, the ration book which had covered 100% now covers only 20% of their daily needs. Cuba’s future is uncertain, and as Fidel says, the battle facing the small country is “enormous.”Â
Award winner, 4th Festival Cero Latitud, Quito
Hace casi 50 anos que los cubanos sobreviven el bloqueo estadounidense. Que significa la revolucion cubana para los revolucionarios que la han vivido? Este comprometido documental es una retrospectiva de esa generacion que incluye al poeta Felix Contreras, al artista Antonio Canet, a la cantante de opera lirica Marta Cardona, y hasta al mismo Fidel Castro! Desde el atentado contra la dictadura de Batista en 1953 hasta los anos de lucha guerrillera y la victoria triunfal de 1959, estos idealistas revolucionarios arriesgaron sus vidas en la lucha por la justicia social y la libertad. Al recordar con orgullo esos dias expresan tambien sus dificultades junto con la felicidad de sus vidas actuales. Cuba sufrio una fuerte crisis economica en 1991 al perder los subsidios sovieticos. La libreta de racionamiento que cubria el 100% de las necesidades diarias bajo al 20%. El futuro de Cuba es incierto, y segun Fidel, la batalla que enfrenta es “enorme.â€
Ganadora del 4rto Festival Cero Latitud, Quito