Intimidad / Intimacy

Title: Intimidad / Intimacy
Location: Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts
Tickets: Click here
Description: dir. Ashley Sabin, David Redmon, 2008, Mexico / USA, 74 min.
Start Time: 18:00
Date: 2008-11-14
End Time: 19:15
Filmmakers Sabin and Redmon follow up their first successful documentary (Kamp Katrina) with an in-depth poetic story of life on the Mexico-Texas border. A young married couple join the filmmakers in documenting their lifes of loving dedication and hardships as they live far away from their families in search for a better life. Both in their 20’s, Cecy and Camilo work for minimum wage in maquiladoras trying to save money to buy land, build a home and bring their daughter to live with them. A quick trip home is more bitter than sweet as the conflict deepens: should they return to their family in Puebla where there is no work, or continue to withstand the harsh bordertown against all odds in hopes that their luck will change? Filmed over a four-year period and mixing digital verite with super 8 and 16mm film stock, Intimidad is a moving and intimate portrait whose message is universal.
Intimidad es una profunda y poetica historia sobre la vida en la frontera entre Mexico y Texas. La pelicula documenta las vidas de afectuosa dedicacion mutua y las penurias de una pareja de jovenes casados, quienes viven alejados de sus familiares en busca de una vida mejor. Cecy y Camilo, ambos bordeando los veinte anos, trabajan por un salario minimo en las maquiladoras y tratan de ahorrar dinero para comprar tierra, construir una casa, y traer a su hija. Un retorno fugaz a casa resulta ser mas amargo que dulce cuando el dilema se profundiza: deberan regresar con su familia a Puebla, donde no hay trabajo? O deberan continuar soportando las penurias en el pueblo fronterizo, con la esperanza de que su suerte cambie? Filmada durante un periodo de cuatro anos y mezclando verite digital con film, Intimidad ofrece un retrato extremadamente conmovedor e intimo y un mensaje universal.